Borderlands 3 Wine Gaming on Linux Troubleshooting

Is epic also easy enough to run the game via Lutris/wine/proton/whatever?
I only ever ran it from Steam

I have no Idea, the price went up again, so I bought it on Steam instead of Epic.

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Followed this… and now I can’t start the game at all. Awesome!

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 242]
D3DCommandQueue->GetClockCalibration(&GPUTimestamp, &CPUTimestamp) failed
at t:\OAK-PATCHWIN641-WIN64\main\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12DirectCommandListManager.cpp:320
with error 80004001

0x000000007b00fc3e EntryPoint() []