Borderlands 2 Is Finished

Gearbox Software announced yesterday their upcoming game -> Borderlands 2 <- is done - 60 days before launchdate. Gearbox are now working on the first (FREE) DLC for the game, named Mechromancer.

Game devs/publisher, please take note and learn from these guys. It's OK to finish a game BEFORE releasing it.

Sure, it's alright to finish a game before it is released, but its best not to. If they take their time during development the game is less likely to have tons of bugs.

They could be using this time to make small improvements (I'm sure there will be some things that need fixing)

The real problem is that publisers rush the developers... and sometimes publishers have an unrealistic release date in mind... And that's why we get buggy, unfinished games. 

It's freaking awesome that Gearbox finished early. This could also mean that the latest UDK is a dream to work with (not to mention that Gearbox knows what they are doing).

DLC is a joke. $60 a game is enough and they want us to pay more? No thanks, release it in a patch like the old days.

Then don't pay $60. If you can't wait for the inevitable Game of the Year, Maximum, Deluxe, Final, etc. version of the game that includes all DLC and is less buggy and a cheaper price then that's your problem. I just picked up Crysis 2 Maximum Edition on the Steam Summer Sale for $20. Infact, it went down to even $11 like the next day or two. Patience is a virtue.

I play my games online. By the time a deal like that comes around the online multiplayer is dead. I just bought red orchestra 2 and guess what. It's almost dead with 5 servers with players playing and my ping of 200+ for each. 

True that. Electronic Arts and ZeniMax are probably the worst publishers I've come to know of.

Did you read the topic? The first DLC "Mechromancer" will be free to download.

I'm assuming you didn't finish reading the original post and got butthurt for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Also, in reply to your other post, about you "onlih plehin' onlyun!", stop acting like an asshole. To get the (arguably) best experience in online multi-player, you pay extra for Day One. Also, sales like that drive multi-player up significantly, since many people are buying it and playing it online.

Also, releasing DLC in a patch? What? Name one game that releases substantial DLC in patches. Also, old days? In the old days, patches didn't really even exist, so what the hell are you talking about?

Let me guess 55 fov like the first with no way of changing it?

What's with the random (and pointless) flame war above me? Anyway, I wish more developers where independent like Blizzard. There's no denying that those games are the very definition of polish because they like to take their time. Anyway, in relation to the actual post, I am pretty excited to hear about this game.

Let me guess. There will not be more then one DLC.



Call of Duty 4. Now have a good day.

Call of Duty 4. Now have a good day.


You do know that Blizzard is owned by Activision now right? Not to mention that when the game comes out it's very good with maybe a few minor tweaks needed, but then they patch the hell out of it and break the game in the name of "balance issues."

Your grammar corrections are not funny at all. In fact, they're irritating and new people who join the forums might be turned off by the whole "grammar nazi forumer" routine and decide not to support the site. People like you are the reason why others will forget about this site instead of bookmarking it for future use. Just think about that every time you disrespectfully correct someone's small typo. Stop alienating people, as you can see by others posting about you; you are not funny, you are not whitty, your grammar policing does not make you smart, especially considering when Logan posts something on the front page of the website you are the first to comment without as much as a fully thought out and formed sentence which in return as well, makes this site look bad. 

You are not smart, you are not gifted, you are not special. You sir, are a forum troll.


I love your logic. Someone makes a mistake and I am the bad, dumb, and ungifted troll.

Also, not everything requires full-length essays. If I read an article and I like it, I'll say something like, "Cool!", "Awesome!", or "Interesting." How does that make the site look bad?

You are not cool, you are not a wiser individual, you are not important. You sir, have no coherent structure, whatsoever, in your posts. You equate being a grammar nazi to being a pseudo-intellectual and a superior being. I'm not better than anyone else, and neither are you. I don't care at all about people liking me. I've never been liked purposly by anyone, so if you think trying to pull the "No one likes you!" card, it's not going to work.

Truth hurt a tad?