Bootloaders other than Grub

Mods move if you see the need :)

I am looking for other bootloaders for PC something that has a nice looking UI and is easy to install.


I like Syslinux.

@willmcgr I checked it out it also needs to support three or four distro's and OS's

I just load my boots manually. I dunno why people go through so much trouble to automate this stuff. I mean really, I only have like 2 pair and that's making me consider throwing out some footwear.


What's wrong with GRUB? Grub is going to be your easiest/best looking option. There's plenty of configuration options to make it look nice. Have a look here


Grub2 is a nice replacement. :p

but curios why look for something else then grub?

wikipedia has you coverd :p

I've use gummiboot and liked it a lot. It is now sytemd-boot component in systemd.

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For nice Looking UI booting multiple OS, try BURG

Or else customise the GRUB you already got with Grub Customizer

Thanks I'll check it out.

Burg looks perfect acctually

I skip the boot loader and load the EFI straight up.

Fun fact with grub if you install your boot loader in the files system instead of MBR you can hit esc and move the next distro bootloader.

how's EFI/UEFI doing nowadays? I ended up disabling and using legacy mode because of weird and fucked up errors out of nowhere

Works great. Rolling with it and Arch.