Booting Issue with Dell Optiplex 760

Hello everyone,

I just acquired a Dell Optiplex 760 from a Garage sale and I have had quite a issue of booting the thing up, the owner said that the HDD in it had failed so he tossed it out. It is a good thing though because I have a 100GB Hybrid drive. When I got home I opened up the one side panel and found nothing out of the ordinary besides a missing HDD, which was expected. The part that really confused me though was that when i first plugged in the drive and booted it up the screen showed the splash screen and then went to a black screen with a blinking dash at the top left corner. Nothing more happened, so thus I tried setting the boot priority and going to the boot menu to boot it directly but when i hit enter on the HDD the screen froze and that is what keeps happening. Basically, either I get the flashy dash or a frozen screen. I have tried taking out the video card and RAM, also I did the system diagnosis and it said everything was normal. Then i turned to the motherboard, no leaking caps or anything out of the ordinary. In the BIOS i tried switching around the boot priority and MR. Blinky dash came back. Using my computer knowledge i think that i have narrowed it down to either the motherboard or the HDD it self. I tried to boot it with a extra Windows 8 CD I had laying around it showed me the blue windows symbol and the little circle but in about 5 minuets restarted and back to the dash. No matter what i have tried it isn't working and the farthest i can get is the dash or a frozen screen. I would really appreciate any help! 


Double check that hdd you are testing with.

Could be a bad sata controller perhaps. Are you able to boot from USB? If so throw a linux distro on one and try that.

Also reseat the heatsink with fresh TIM and unplug everything from the motherboard that isnt needed for testing - front io, front usb, audio etc.

If you have another psu laying around try it with that as well.

Very well could be the motherboard. Best of luck.

Have you tryed replaceing the bios battery?

seems like a hdd issue, try a diffrent sata cable maybe.

I would agree with the HDD issue. You can confirm that with a different hard drive. Do try another sata cable. Is the system still powered on when it goes black?

Ok I am going to give the HDD another look and see if it is bootable or not.