Boot Problems

Ok whenever i turn on my pc it makes me choose to boot Windows 7 or Windows 7.

If i unplug my hdd and just leave my ssd pluged in it says it cant boot it needs a drive with boot files or something like that.

Please help :(

ah, yes. Windows often sets up the "wrong" MBR from the wrong partition, that then points to ANOTHER partition to boot.

Why, how, I have completely no idea why windows does that. I think it just likes to make a wonderfull mess..

Okay, more ontopic: do you have multiple partitions on the hdd?

no i dont

Okay, on what HDD is the OS located on? I fear this is the setup i mentioned, 1 HDD has the mbr pointer and the other has the actual OS.

Well i Have 1 SSD and 2 HDDs the OS in on the SSD

first off, before we start rewriting mbrs/bootfiles or even starting to talk about that,...

Did you check the bios that the correct HDD is booted from?


Okay, this is what you do mate, unplugg all hdds except the SSD with the OS on, and boot from the win7 cd and do a simple recovery fix thingie. 'fix boot stuff' ... its the first thing hell try anyway.

this will do all the technical mumbojumbo for you I hope. it will put the boot stuff on the only hdd available. good luck!

Thanks i will give it a try soon

That didnt work.

Any other ideas ?

