Boot looping Galaxy S4

Recently I tried applying a couple skins through Layers Manager and after rebooting to apply a skin, my phone gets stuck on the Verizon splash screen. I’ve tried factory restoring which boots fine once but any subsequent reboot causes a boot loop. Also opening some apps after the restore causes a reboot in a loop as well. I’ve tried flashing it with Odin but the issue still persists. My phone is the S4 Verizon variant, i545

Could potentially be something wrecked on the system partition, a re-flash with odin would theoretically fix it.

Re-flashing hasn't fix it, unless I've been setting it up wrong.

button switches stuck?

Buttons are fine.

clear caches? including the dalvik? Tried without SD card? Sorry if I'm running through a list here, just process of elimination.
Couple other things:
When you flashed, what version did you use, and where did you get it from?
I'm assuming you ensured the flash is for the right variant?
Have you tried the previous versions, and/or factory defaults?

tbh, I didn't use odin for mine. I loaded the rom on the SD card and loaded it from there, I had issues with my Verizon Galaxy s3 with Odin.

With Odin, I flashed it using version 3.0.7 with a vrugof1 tar I downloaded from the xda forums, says Pass and reboots back into the loop. Only other version of android I've tried is vrugoc1, along with a sch-i545 .pit.

I don't have the option to clear dalvik cache when I boot into recovery, just factory restore and wipe partition cache. Also no, I haven't tried loading with an SD card.

Interesting. So I did google the vrugoc1, and it says that it replaces recovery mode, which explains why you don't have a cache clear option.

What did you use for root?

You issue sounds just like the one described at the bottom of this guide:

Flash Official Android 5.0.1 Lollipop VRUGOC1 Update for Verizon Galaxy S4 I545

But that is also a pretty generic fix. Try loading it from SD card and let me know what happens. I'm no expert at this stuff, but I've done it enough to have pretty good idea how to do it.

I either used KingRoot or Kingo Root, can't recall.

So when flashing from an sd card, I loaded up a vrugoc1 rooted rom, but I get "E:/ footer wrong" a couple times, the flash completes, but I still get the same problem.

Again, unless I'm doing something wrong when setting up these methods up, I'm not getting any where.

I would install a custom boot loader and cyanogenmod or something like that. Just wipe out the original filesystem completely.

The flash didn't complete in this. Look up what that means with your specific flasher

check out:


and yep, agree with @FaunCB. I usually do clockwork recovery mod for my stuffs. Also, try original ROM and/or download the ROM you wanted to flash again. As the forum post from XDA mentions, could be a number of issues, depending.
Also, depending on what ROM you use, as the video shows, you might have to turn the signature verification off.

Flashing a custom recovery through Odin isn't working. All the recoveries are .imgs or roms so I tried converting them to work with Odin, if that's the problem. I haven't done it off an sd card yet because of that wrong footer error.

Far as I can tell odin is the issue. Look into playing with ADB (android development something or another)

I get the same footer is wrong and signature verification error as before with ADB. Is this because I need to authorize developer options within android and if so is there a way to sidestep it?

If you weren't sideloading over USB before then you should do that now. As was said before though look into writing clockwork into the phone.

Yep I have been. Any recovery img or rom I try gives me that signature/footer error.

What one have you been using?

ClockworkMod Recovery and CyanogenMod Recovery

Just use clockwork and clear all the root directories like /user and /data. If the problem persists then its probably the rom.

Grab one from here and do all that and see what happens.

Also make sure you get god damned GAPPS. I'm tired of being on the XDA forums and some creton coming on like "OMG u haxorz no appz store I ruind mi fone!!!1!"

Seriously. Every day I go on there.

Thats why the website for AOKP doesn't shut up about it :D

Also clear the directories each time you try to flash. Word from the wise.

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Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo anything yet? I assume something happened you haven't posted back yet.