Mainly this a question of wether or not there would be any interest in this topic for a boo! I spent the last 4 years of my life in the USAF as part of an intelligence squadron that exploits real time feed from MQ-9 Reapers, MQ-1 Predators and other various manned surveillance aircraft operating on the special operations end of the spectrum during the Iraq and Afghanistan War's. A lot of people tend to think that there is only just a pilot and thats it regarding flight operations for the aircraft, I think it would be an interesting story to tell since this is new and controversial tool of war that had been in the news for almost 10 years now. What do you guys think? Any feedback would be great!
The topic itself would be quite interesting to read about. If you are allowed to write about it getting first hand information what it means to work with drones on a daily basis would be fascinating.
Maybe a bit to the technical development over the time you worked there not only software but also hardware wise.