Book of the Month - Jan/Feb Neuromancer by William Gibson

Theres still time! Its Friday.

I had a thought on that, as it reminded me of other things like this.

waking up from a dream.

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That's perfect for me. I don't have class on Fridays and PGP would come right after it.

Also gives me time to get Discord setup (again).


@gearheadgirl27, @Eden, @Braysive or whoever can, as I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, would you mind recording or streaming the conversion and uploading to youtube? Would like to hear everyones thoughts.

also on a side note I think this would be a good idea for all BOM, if everyone doesnt mind

if it's to much of a hassle/a big deal with the group its cool....


I can ask @wendell about it. Maybe there's a better way to have the sound files available like a pod cast rather than a YouTube upload.

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I can set up a podcast feed you can upload mp3s to? :D


I think this is a good idea because it's neat. We can keep BOM content here and organized in one place instead of going back and forth to YouTube.


Sounds awesome, just picked YouTube for ease

As long as I can get an mp3 out of it I would be most thankful! (Need things to listen to on my long drives I have everyday)

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I thought I'd be able to read faster, but Gibson's writes like a friggin schizo...
I'm at 50% with 6 hours till discussion. I could join anyway since I don't care much for spoilers (for this particular book).

If you'll have me, that is.


Pretty sure your more than welcome.
(If you have the time and want to finish try the audio book at a higher read speed :P)


Go ahead and join in. I have a good mix of discussion topics that won't suffer from not completing it.


And your comments about his writing style will fit right in. LOL


Those are the best words to describe Gibson's writing style in this book. I'll elaborate on this during the discussion.

Because I got lost in the book, I decided to restart the book yesterday since I was free all day and for a total of nearly seven hours of reading time, I got to chapter 15 out of 24 chapters (or page 169 out of 261). I might be close to done with the book by 6:30pm but even if I don't finish, I'll still join in as I have some thoughts on the book I would like to share.

(Yes, I do time my reading if my day consists nothing but it.)

Join anyway. It will be fun. At least you have something to say.


Yay! I'll save all further comments for the discussion.
@Eden, I don't have much time to read now, but I'm reading in e-book form... I can't imagine what this gobbledygook would sound like in narrated form... I'll stick to the e-book.

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Listening was at times like the scene in the second Matrix where Neo meets the Architect.


Alright y'all. 30 minutes from now, we will have our book discussion on Discord. See you then.

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For those who dont want to scroll

And were starting. Feel free to join in

How did it go?

It went pretty well. I missed most of it due to not being at home but had some good discussions. There will be a recording of it soon.


I guess you'll never know... least until the mp3 gets out

@anon69321716 Too bad you had to go. I hope you'll stay the full session next time. Did you get to finish the book?
@Eden If you suggest that Solzhenitsyn for March, you have my vote. Btw, I've listened to the audiobook for 10 minutes. Dude, how did you not crash?