BMW is just like Facebook y'know


So if you're driving a BMW/Mini/RollsRoyce with Connected Drive, there is a fixed SIM card on a small linux machine in your car that BMW uses to send all of your information, including private e-mails, telephone data, location data, driving dynamics, etc... to BMW servers, and they do that through http, so anyone can snoop in.

Through that connection, there is also control over certain functions of the vehicle itself.

ADAC discovered this, and BMW is now going to turn that into https... but wait... they're not going to stop spying on their customers?... lolz...

Another BMW driver has sent you a farmville request....

Least they are correcting the http issue. But does the traffic really have to relay through their systems......

If data about your speed and location are getting relayed to their servers, is it possible that you will end up with random speeding fines without the interaction of law enforcement prior.

Well fuck BMW. Thanks for telling us. Now I know I will not be buying BMW car.

HAha! well i drive E46 2001 Model so thats that! Stupid new cars with their useless tech.


Focus on driving, Forget screens and infoboards and what not.

just hit 105 000Km, still great performance. there is a way to disable all that tracking u know...