Blue screen problem

Hi guys

I've build my gaming rig a few months ago but there is still a problme that comes everytime i put my pc into sleep mode. A blue screen. I think personnaly that the cause of the problem is the motherboard. Maybe it is the memory but i rememberd checking it after i build my computer. Also i searched for a solution and i saw somebody who had the same diagnostic and problem as mine is. What do you guys think i should do. I also tried to update my bios but i can not download it (i really don't know why). Thanks for your future responses.

Well I had a similar problem with my first rig and I also thought it was the motherboard. I replaced it and no longer had the problem. Sorry i cant help with what the problem actually is.

Thx but i don't really have the money to buy a new motherboard right now. Thats why i need to fix that problem. Just a detail but my motherboard is a z97x gaming 3 from gigabyte.