Any clue as to the cause of this blue screen? It's started happening a bit regularly.
Any clue as to the cause of this blue screen? It's started happening a bit regularly.
Oh, I had that same fight on my machine. My guess, You got some Bad Ram.
Just a task of replacing it? I have 16 gigs in 2 cards. How would I go about testing it?
Test one at a time ... try this
Its ram. but it may not be in individual stick, it could even be a combination of sticks. So take out half of them, run a full memtest, then try the other half. Narrow it down to find the bad one.
This is a bit faster than trying each stick one at a time, and will help you find out if its a bad pair.
I think I had that before and it was just a faulty RAM stick. I cant quite remember all of the error codes though.
I shall try this out when I have the time. Thank you for your advice guys, I'll get back to you later.
It's a 2X8GB configuration
It would not take that long ...short DL & install time ... remove second stick from slot two and run test on the most stressful setting and let it run ... may run for some time ... come back later & check \m/
I have seen slots go bad ... if the test shows it's a bad stick ... give it a run in the other slot after you have tested the second stick ... you never know until you try ... seen weirder things.
This is the test with both sticks in. I haven't got time to run any more tests for now, because I use my computer a lot and need it running. I have no idea what any of this means.
I didn't realise the test would take over 6 hours...
I've seen and have had this issue before. One case was bad memory and the other was a video driver issue. So it wouldn't be a bad idea to try doing a fresh install of your drivers.
I have done this and so far so good. I'll let you know if it happens again, but for now thank you!
Blue Screen has appeared again. Definitely not video drivers.