Blue Screen Error?

Recently built my first rig, a cheaper budget but everything is running smoothly besides this eror I get every once a while.


This has only been the 2nd time, first time I only heard what happened. While playing music on youtube, both times, the music freezes and lapse like a half a second of the song for 2 seconds while in blue screen and restarts itself.


Not really sure what could be the problem, anyone else have any experience in such a situation?

If your videocard has HDMI and you install the drivers for it they also has a audio driver for getting audio thorugh your hdmi cable. Some of those drivers setts it as standard audio drivers for the operating system, Now you have 2 audio drivers fighting each other and windows doesnt take kindly to that.
To solve this you need to go to control panel - hardware and sound - manage audio devices then disable the HDMI audo device.
hope it helps
greetings from norway :D 

can you upload the files from c/windows/minidump to a dropbox? it will really help