So like many of you I primarily game on pc. However since hearing that the next souls game would be a ps4 I realized I would need to go out and get a ps4 for bloodborne! Doesn't come out until March so I guess I'll just wait till around Februray.
Just wondering if there are any other souls fans out there and anyone interested in Bloodborne!?
Yes and yes. I started with Demon's souls back in the day, I skipped DS1, though I own it on PC, and i beat/played DS2. Big fan of the series. Very excited for bloodborne.
of course. Love the Souls games. I need to get a PS3 to play demons souls again (I used to play it at my friend's house back in the day). But I will not be getting a ps4 for bloodborne.
Probably not. Fromsoft isn't a very large developer group, so porting Demon's Souls would be difficult unless the PS4 has a hardware level PS3 emulator. Trust me, people have been begging them for a Demon's souls port to PC for years.
Not sure on demon's souls being ported to ps4. Maybe playstation now will have it someday. Or maybe they will release a "Souls Trilogy: Ultimate, Remastered, Super HD, 4K Explosion Pack" someday.
Edit: A souls game on Playstation Now might be too tough with the delay.
The last of us is great.
Is DS1 pretty playable on PC? I had heard bad things about it. I played DS2 with a controller. I know DS1 had a mod that most people were downloading.
yeah just throw DsFix on Dark Souls and it fixes everything the port messed up, it really really really helps, and gives you access to other settings that you can't change normally.
Yeah some people think I'm crazy for getting a ps4 just for bloodborne, but keep in mind the souls games has so much replayability that you could easily get hundreds of hours out of them. TLOU is pretty fun survival game with a somewhat boring story that happens to be well told, with a suprisingly good multiplayer! You should try it out if you haven't!
Demons Souls is one of my all time favorite games. I have Dark Souls, I need to beat it, and have yet to buy Dark Souls II. Bloodborne will be a day one purchase as well.
I already pre-ordered Bloodborne collector's edition and the collector's guide with it.
Technically, Bloodborne is not a souls game. It's a different franchise...well, at least so far as we know; since the Demon's Souls IP belongs to Sony, it can be Demon Souls related, but not Dark Souls related.
Dark Souls II in co-op with a friend is AWESOME!!!
I'm currently doing a co-op run with a friend. We finished the 4 primal bosses and the iron king DLC, we just need the other DLC's and the final part of the game.