Blocked Internet

Hi so my dad made it to where my internet turns off only for my computer at 12:00. This is really putting me behind in my homework. I have way more homework then he thinks. I always have to try to study and do homework on my phone. It's really hurting my eyes. I don't know the master password for the router so I cant change it. Is there any way to get passed this. Any help would be appreciated thank you. I'm don't nescasarily need a hack if there is another way im all for it.

Ask him for a extension so you can do your homework if it is that. Its better this way. 

Solutions ranging easy to hard


search online for router backdoors.

Search online for default passwords.

hold power button and completely reset the router.

Spoof the macaddress of your wireless card. You can just change the mac address in device manager for most wireless cards.

See if a telnet console is enabled on the router. There is a chance you can get full root access by using default passwords. Though this is probably the most unreliable due to the large variety of routers.

Find an unknown exploit.

Honestly just have a conversation with him. Tell him your needs and see if he works with you. Spoofing your Mac Address might work and finding a backdoor for the router might work as well but dont reset the router or reset the password as he will probably find out and increase the security. You dont want him to look into higher security where each person has a user account and you have to sign in to connect. So this brings us back to go with the adult way and talk with him and if he is a reasonable human he will probably understand. Careful on how aggressive your argument is as the internet is not the only outlet to learning and not required to do homework (in most cases). He might point you in the direction towards the Library haha. 

pwnd by dad.


I'm having a hard time believing this story. If you really do have homework to that extent, tell your dad.

Or start your homework early.

Very rare that a student that still lives at home has daily homework that takes until past midnight to complete.

As for getting around the block, this question has been asked several times around the forums, and will always get the same answer.

Homework or alt-tab - gaming?

Grab a textbook or setup your phone as a wifi hotspot if you really need to. Or other ways...

He has the asus rt ac66u. Don't ask on how I know this...

He's probably the dad :D

He probably plays league of legends to much. Don't ask how i know this :P.........

Dammit now my secret is out.

Well you got me.