Blender Cycles Renderer now supports OpenCL via latest builds. AMD Cards can now utilize the renderer


AMD reaching out to the Blender Developers
User Benchmarks on the OpenCL Patch.

ABOUT. FUCKING. TIME. Now you do not have to use an Nvidia Card to run Cycles. It is fair game by this point and it should be coming in Blender 2.75 on their roadmap.

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I'm still waiting on them to implement multi-core and CUDA support for the Sequencer. It should never take 10 hours to render a 90 minute video while my CPU and GPU stand idly by, doing jack shit.

It is very much about time!

We had a discussion here on the forums almost a year ago about this… I actually went vocal about it with the developers and AMD engineers (via forums and article comments).

I got a hacked client to work a while ago, but it didn't produce very fast results and often crashed. I cannot wait to see what my 290 can do now :)