Bleeding Edge Linux Distros

I'm looking for a Bleeding Edge OS to use on both my Desktop and my Laptop. I did try to get Sabayon to install, but however I kept getting an unknown error which I clearly don't understand why. Had the same error with a Virtual Machine, both of my desktops and my laptop. So Sabayon is out of a question.

I need do need to make sure I can get quick access to my server when needed so I can get my files. I will do research on getting OpenVPN working. I do plan on trying to make it my primary OS for multiple uses. Any help will be greatful! Trying to slowly move away from Windows

Arch or Arch-based distros, like Manjaro, Chakra, Antergos, etc.

Gentoo or Gentoo-based distros, such as the aforementioned, and failed, Sabayon, Funtoo, etc.


Really, though, anything can be bleeding edge, just not in the official repos.

I like Arch. But I tend to go for Manjaro just because it's preloaded with the stuff most people will use. I don't have time to trouble shoot Arch when something has a missing dependency or something like that.

I never heard if a distro called failed before. Sabayon is out because I keep getting an error during installation. I do have Fedora running on my desktop right now. 

I am leaning torwards Manjaro. I'll be giving that a shot if I don't like fedora

Just installed Manjaro and learning the ropes. Gotta say,i'm loving it. I only have one annoying quirk with it but i think that's because i screwed up the installation somehow.

You clearly are more experienced,so you shouldn't have any issues with it.

I never had experience with an Arch based Linux yet. Manjaro will be my first time.

Experience with Linux,i meant.

I switched over from Ubuntu after having used Ubuntu for a grand total of 2 days. Couldn't stand it. Manjaro gives me the option to learn more(correct me if i'm wrong). Messing around with the innards is how i learn. So Arch is where i want to end up but taking it at my own pace now.

Try recreating the sabayon install usb. Probably just corrupt.

And that's why it failed.

You can learn more with any distro really, minimal distro's and "advanced" distro's just force it more.

I did try doing that several times. I tried on CD's, different versions and other flash drives. Still got the same result

such as the aforementioned, and failed, Sabayon

That was describing your attempt to install it, there is no distro called "failed"

What's the error?

Linux usually doesnt throw "Unknown" errors. 

well that sucks man, sabayon is pretty cool. i like how everything is compiled on the fly so practically everything you install is optimized for your system.

i bet it has something to do with UEFI, that shit confuses me.

It just throws an unknown error. Which is really confusing me. Happens about a minute after the installation process starts

I don't have a UEFI on my motherboard, I'm still on DDR2

ArchLinux is a very advanced Distribution. When you not able to handle it you should stick to Manjaro.

Else try to write the error message that appreared or make a Photo. The Arch Linux Froum is a good address for getting help. 

But my question: Why do you want to have a bleeding edge distribution?

best regards

Well, Arch isn't that advanced. The install is easy enough, you can do it in 20 minutes.

I kinda like the new Manjaro 0.8.9, it's definitely better than the 0.8.8, which was in my opinion a weaker release.

AUR is now in the standard Manjaro package manager, mhwd has even more features, etc... all pretty awesome.