when my desktop resolution is set to 1080p i deffinitly notice that the screen looks sorta pale blacks are sorta grey
amh a399u
when the screen is native to 4k every black looks BLACK
games look way better in 4k res even at the same settings as vs 1080
id LIKE to be able to have my stuff set to 1080p mode and LOOK good too as the scaling for most thinks at 4k just are too danmed small to read i use 1080p as my default for web browsing youtube farting around ect
and only in games that my gpu can LOCK 60 fps or MORE do i use 4k but JUST THE BLACKS make 4k mode SOO much more appealing to me
I have a similar issue with my 28" ASUS PB287 4K monitor, at anything other than 4K everything is washed out and the blacks are significantly brighter and are closer to grey, I suspect it has something to do with the down scale to 1080p and haven't found a way around it yet.
Its a pain, at 4K it looks great and I used to play games on this monitor at 1440p but because everything looked like shit I went back to my 2560x1080 ultrawide for gaming.
the fucked up thing is, ive got this great little korean 4k a399u
but if i cant PLAY the game @ 4k then it looks worse than w/o id rather have 60fps locked in at 1080p than studdering and chopping down to 45-55-60 fps @ a great looking 4k
ive been playing shit on high and or medium in 4k mode opposed to ALLMAX 1080p for the color diff
and it DONT SHOW IN SCREENSHOTS cos its a physical monitor issue arrrghhh
i REALLY wish wondows 10 desktop SCALING worked better... operating at 4k on the desktop is a fuckin nightmare for me, id have to be 3 inches way from my screen to read anyfucking thing
i use a program called HRC hotkey resolution changer my F9 clicks me to 1080p F1- clicks me to 4k
I kind of regret buying my 4K monitor and should've went for a 1440P panel instead because it is useless compared to my ultrawide for pretty much everything.
I don't use desktop scaling at all, this monitor is used exclusively for web browsing, which I snap two chrome windows to each side of the screen and zoom all web pages to 150% and watching videos at 4K but that is it.
Okay is your colour set to limlited rather than full, this effects certain connection to monitors but not all, I forget what connections had what effect.
NVidia have been defaulting the colour space to limited every time you update the drivers. So give that a check I told my friends and there was amazement and colour actually looked colourful, whites blinding comparatively and blacks deep.
Could be a issue with HDMI, I have at least had issues running monitors on HDMI none standard res which makes everything (especially colors) look like garbage. I never see this using displayport, my monitor has both.
i run with display port as i had heard hdmi cant fully support true 4k well "has trouble with it"
i need to learn more about this 444 chroma thing
this whole thing made me recalibrate my screen itself and windows and its display options
it looks nicer than b4 but still has teh same issues with 1080p vs 4k
the a399u has an option for smoothing sharpness "ULTRA VIVID" is the setting off low med high it was set to "off" now i set it to "high" with it OFF when you get up really close, the pixels are smudged and smoothed over
(like on your taskbar the blue s in skypes icon) with it higher and higher each pixel becomes more perfect and precise
I feel you with the Windows scaling, I've just brought two 4k monitors everything is amazing apart from the text. It's murdering my eyes but I'm slowly getting used to it.
100% get you! Sadly the software I use and need don't support high DPI display yet, the room in the software is amazing but the size of the text murders eyes. If I could run it at 120% scaling it'd be perfect for me. But If I turn it on and use my software they're a blobby blury mess. I'll give Apple this one thing they got right was their scaling and the developers of said software who adopted it. I'm still wondering if I should send the two monitors back and get two 1440p ones... but then I think at the back of my head they're going to update the software to support it at some point even more so content creators are adopting the screens for creation.
you know, HONESTLY having the experience with this set
id RATHER have stuck to a ultra crisp looking 1080p screen maybe like 55 inch or somthing with all the goodies hdr and all that junk maybe a high refresh rate idk
at least FOR NOW if you go 4k id say that some type of gsync or freesynch is a MUST
ive got the best 1080 on the market, overclocked, watercooled. and it still dips below the 60 fps vsunc limit on alot of games
dragonage inquisition at 4k sits under 30 .. blegh fallout 4 dips into the low 40s warframe can nail 160
there claiming about 30% more juice from the 1080-ti who knows
maybe ill sell this gpu for the $900 ish i paid for it.... (with waterblock)
its just, ive NEVER had a top of the line ANYTHING really. so when i had saved up good cashola i blew it on recreating the guts of my rig (i still really want a samsung 960 pro tho)