Logan, how did you make your Youtube Black? What theme are you using?
I mean the particular one Logan uses.
I use magic actions for youtube, makes yt black and also those some other things like automaticly change to the highest resolution.
Alternatively you can create the same effect with the Stylish add-on and grabbing one of many dark Youtube themes.
I was wondering this too. I would like to know if it was only for youtube or if there is one that turns all white webpages a little darker so it is easier on my eyes.
They mentioned it was the STYLISH chrome extension. The theme you would get would be Dark Grey. Hope that helps dude.
Haven't seen the style, but maybe it is this one: https://userstyles.org/styles/62289/black-youtube-by-panos
Personally I use "turn out the lights" extension, It works pretty well
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That's a nice Necro you have there... Be a shame if something were to happen to it.