Black screen of death with vertical lines... joy

Just like the tittle said.. after 3 hours of gaming on my new MSI twinfrozer 7850 2g.. i get the black screen of death with vertical lines and freezes my pc. I've ruled out my psu and drivers. but the rest could be the card or my mobo, windows issues... sadly it's a nearlly 4 year old pre-built pc that i wish i built myself.. now this only starts when i play only game. i can put it on the stress test from MSI and it works fine for that. but the dam thing keeps black screening on me when i game. 


any other ideas that it might be? let me know and tell me what you think. I've got the RMA all set and I'm wanting to send the card back.

Is it every game? Try ending your ccc.exe process, my 6870 kept locking up in AC revelations because of that.

i have a few of those.. all or just one?

Ah, ok do you have a CliStart process?

Also, is it at certain points in certain games?

Do you have any other stress testing software to test it with? 

Finally, are all your drivers from AMD themselves or third party, be it MSI or ASUS.

all my drivers are from AMD and there was only one ccc.exe and it's dead now. all up to date none the less. now i'll test with my games. now, this only happens usually after 3 hours of game play on a fresh day, no reason why.. it just does and no clistart process

I was having similar symptoms. I would be playing fine for a few hours, crash and then be fine after the restart. I also would have it crash on me in game but be fine for weeks, if not months.

Mine later turned out to be an audio file with AMD's HDMI audio thing. But mine showed itself as this because I lost all audio and had to use 3rd party drivers.

When your pc crashes do you have to manually restart or is it more like a BSoD where it restarts if you leave it.

i have to force reboot the system cause it locks up on me mid game.. and it takes about 5 mins to get fully booted atm with my current HDD

Same haha.

Is your HDD almost full? 


  • How did you rule out the psu? 
  • What are your temps like (cpu & gpu)?
  • What stress testing have you done? You mention one from MSI but what else?
  • Are you able to test the gpu in another machine?
  • Is it just the one game that this occurs in? Or several?
  • Have you checked your HDD for errors?
  • Have you checked the memory for errors?

not even close to it.. like 250g out of a 1T

1. ocz 600w 80+ bronz psu with 25 amps on the 12v rails.. ruled out

2. 55c gpu and about the same for cpu

3. full game collections plus the MSI burn test software

4. no

5. all games

6. my hdd can be slow at times even with defrag so this doesn't quite apply

7. it's a new 8g ram kit with speeds at 1833 maz with CL9

I recommend that you try a different stress testing software. 

I know that it is not ideal but as your pc is nearly four years old it may be close to the end of it's life cycle anyway. You wouldn't have to get anything you've gotten recently and your psu should be fine. It sounds like you could do with a new HDD or a SSD.

Do you have your windows installation disk?

this pc didn't come with one as it's from walmart and pre-built... lol

Does your pc frequently crash outside of a game? 

no.. if anything, when family uses the pc it screws up for them when it's perfectly fine for me "i don't click or hit the wrong key to make it mad"

ok. How long ago did you add the graphics card? Have these crashes only happened since the addition of the card?

had the card sense november because my gt 640 2g wend KIA after a year on me. and the crashes only started close to the start of this physical year if memory serves me right. i think it's just the dam drivers that's causing the thing and i'm having issues finding the old legacy drivers on amd's site

I know it seems a little silly, but download MSI Afterburner, and underclock your core speed by about 15%. I've had cards that have had issues like this before, and that fixed them, so it may be worth a try.

i have that and may try that.. ty