Black screen after installing Catalyst 14.1

I installed Catalyst 14.1 a few weeks ago, and everything worked fine, until all of a sudden everything didn't. One day I booted up the pc and the screen wouldn't turn on. I went into safe mode, used the Driver Uninstaller Tool and removed the drivers. I deleted everything AMD/ATI related and installed Catalyst 13.12, same issue, tried installing 14.2, same issue. I have an FX processor so I don't have on board graphics. I'm sick of messing with it and don't know what to do. Any help?

Not sure mate,but did you remember to set a restore point prior to the install of 14.1? Perhaps you can roll back to that if you did set a restore point.

Nope :(. If nothing else I'll just have to reinstall Windows 7, which really sucks considering I'm running 3mbps DSL. 


Do you have Win7 on a disc or usb? I may be way off here but you could try the repair/refresh option via the cd or usb before reinstalling the OS.


I don't. Never tried that so I'm not sure either. I'm thinking of just deleting Windows and installing Arch, don't game that much anymore anyways. 

Are you sure this is a driver issue? because you said everything was fine for weeks. Sounds like hardware to me but just a thought. Can you borrow a  GPU from a friend to try out?

Well I'm running Arch now with no issue. Might try Windows 7 again in the future sometime though. Like I said, I could run everything fine until I installed the Catalyst driver, and then the screen goes black. I have an FX-6300 so no integrated graphics, and no on board graphics for my mobo. 

If you are running linux then I concede its a driver issue.