Has anyone played it? Is it worth a buy? What it like?
Its amazing! really special feel to it, gave me chills being back at black mesa again.
Awesome. I think i might pick it up.
I loved it personally. Especially if you haven’t played HL1 in a long while. It’s a nostalgia trip, and a good game on top of that, the re-imagined Xen chapters are awesome.
ive played it since 2010 and the amount of work put it in is amazing, the OST is honestly one of the few game ost’s I listen to outside of the game.
Very few janks but the main problem is people play it like cod and just sprint through it all, golden rule is enjoy the surroundings and read signs and look for green red lit buttons… and especially read the signs around the lit buttons, and lastly follow the pipes/wires.
9/10 game for me for me!
Currently playing (and streaming) it. I never finished the original Half Life (started a few times), so I was going in blind.
It is really well done, especially for a fan-made project. It’s a little old school of course, it doesn’t really tell you what to do but then again it’s pretty linear.
I’ve had a few performance issues in specific areas, but other then that it’s fine.
yeah the new things they added were never part o the original source engine so its gonna be a bit under optimized, id set the dynamic lighting and shadows to medium or low/potato.
I keep mine high just because its pretty, so far my 3700x and 1070 handle it well
Also I got time to kill, what are you streaming on?
I have it, but haven’t gone and played it quite yet. I’m probably going to do a run this week when I should be working.
Nah I’m pretty sure it was a bug in some manner. I turned down to 720p and lowest settings possible and it was still happening in these areas It was the missile launch area and the teleportation labs tower-thingy. It’s also visible on stream here (first time when going to the second level).
Channel is here. Note: “currently” means not “right now”, just that it’s my current project. I’ll probably finish tomorrow.
played it briefly under linux. seems like half life to me, updated with better graphics. I can’t remember half life though, it’s been ages so can’t remember how close it is to the original in terms of level design.
I have heard that if you want the half life cannon story you have to actually play the original, they changed a few things in black mesa.
Not sure how true that is, just a heads up potentially.
I have it and have played through it: extremely well done, and it was worth it to wait on their rendition of the Xen stage of the game.
I bought it and played through a couple of missions and really enjoyed it.
The real purpose of me purchasing BMS (Black Mesa Source) was for the assets included so I could port some of those assets over to Garry’s Mod. (Yes, even though Garry’s Mod came out on December 24, 2004 it is still super active and running in 32-bit mode )
I thought gmod 13 killed the community.
It is a great game!
It’s brilliant. Well worth a play.
I had some weird performance issues a couple of times in the late stages of the game (at one point for 10 minutes straight I had 2 fps on a 1080 Ti)
Definitely worth picking up.
Sounds like I need to fire it up, never liked those Xen levels in the original…
Haha, that brought back memories! I remember how many players and addon developers were pissed because they couldn’t port their code or content over and quite a bit of the larger servers didn’t survive. It seems pretty active over the last couple of years with all the new mini-games and crap they have.
Well, that seems like it’s probably good.