Black Friday Isn't Far away, what you getting?

Hey black Friday isn't too far away and I built my PC in May 2013.  For my needs, my computer is enough(in profile), but I just want the speed.  I have been tempted a few times to upgrade, but I don't have a justification. I just feel ready to upgrade come black Friday.  I game and type papers and youtube.  So I'm thinking of upgrade to devil's canyon I5 and new mobo that upcoming day.  What do you think would be a good price for an I5 devil's canyon or even an i7?  Broadwell is already announced, haswell (which is Dcanyon anyway) has been out for a while and I've even seen the 4690k already on sale for less than $200.  

what are you upgrading from (specs?)?

For typing papers and youtube you won't see any improvement whatsoever. only gaming will improve and that might depend more on your graphics card rather than on your CPU/Mobo.

I might pick up a couple of 2TB WD Red hard drives for my NAS if i see them on sale, or in stock anywhere near me.

I'll be look for projector something small and maybe some mini-pc's or wireless dvi to hdmi/vga for it. HDD space is always good so if any 6TB offers pops up for 150+- then i'll take it. Hopes for 290x,295x for half price (I know its most likely not going to happen)

I will probably grab an SSD and a second 1TB drive. Anything else I am fine with unless I want to hop onto Intel then and get a good deal on a Z97 motherboard and prep for Broadwell.

EDIT: Well doesn't seem like Broadwell isn't going to be coming out for a while. So most likely I will downsize to a MicroATX build for easy transportation. AMD Colugo variant perhaps.

We don't have Black Friday over here (UK), and though I've lived in the US I've never been around for it. Are sale items available online, or is it just an outlet day sale?

the Monday that follows is cyber Monday, the Internets response to black Friday. It is on the Monday following black Friday

Thanks for that, ProSonic. Are there any particular sites to keep an eye on, aside from the usual suspects like newegg?

A new monitor is my major goal I'm thinking a 1080p 32 tv would be nice.  Also the parts for my next build.

Can someone provide a date when Blackfriday or Cyper Monday is? I remember that there are always nice deals for SSDs and stuff...

A 4K ready water cooled build!!