Bitcoin gains nearly 20%, breaks $5k USD in biggest single-day gain of 2019

I’d call that a raise!

Hell yeah!

If I had a family, I’d be 100% on board with slowing down the pace to spend more time with them. Seeing how time is all we have, after all.


It’s the great equalizer. Time is finite.


Is this the biggest single-day loss of 2019?

Yep, so far.

Now that Iran has cashed out, they don’t need the buy recommendations anymore and they can start crashing the value so they can buy back in and do it all over again.


I didnt know about Iran. Just read they seized 1000 mining machines.

Whoa. I wonder if they got a warrant for that… :thinking:

Iran… warrants. I’m not sure they do warrants :smiley:

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And what are they going to do with those antminers now? destroy them?

Hey, Supreme Leader sir, we have these money printers, shall we destroy them? I know our people are starving.

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yeah i doubt that. besides how efficent are ANTs at mining nowadays?


No idea. Better than 2080s, that’s for sure.

If they were built on a smaller node, they’d be better.

So, the thing that’s interesting about these miners is that they’re not in “abandoned factories” but are in Mosques which get free electricity because of the theocracy in place there.

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Getting married and starting a family did it for me, things definitely went sideways :rofl:

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Shit, maybe I should stop dating.

Babe, we gotta break it off. I like money more than you.


Yep, don’t even do it nicely, be a total jerk so she tells everyone how bad you are and no one else will date you. Then in 10 years when things have blown over and you are rich date women 10 years younger :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wow. I didn’t even think about that. I thought they were just scattered hither and yon in the desert somewhere. Did they sieze the wallets as well?

No report on that. I don’t know.

Here’s how it looks to me:

  1. Theocracy finances Hamas, Hesbola and other terrorist organizations.
  2. US imposes sanctions.
  3. Theocracy pays for power of Mosques.
  4. Mosques start mining bitcoin (with investment from China, I’ll grab sauce for that in a minute, may be in that twitter thread)
  5. Theocracy confiscates miners from mosques.
  6. ???
  7. Theocracy finances Hamas, Hesbola and other terrorist organizations.


I am curious where it will fly in the summer…

@AlissaCh if you wish to talk about this topic there is a more recent thread such as Crypto Mega-Thread [A.K.A Cryptocurrency mining isn't for hobbyists and Ethereum's terrible]
Or feel free to create a new topic. This thread is almost two years old.