Bitcoin for Hackintosh help

Hello fellow lovers of the Tek!

I would love to trade my lazyness and bitcoin for ur help running OSX on my destop. I have checked out tonymac and have asked for help there but wasnt so fruitful, also am lazy. I will give 5$ in BTC or LTC to the person that gets OSX running on my comp. 

Asus Z97-P
Samsung evo 240
1 stick kingston 2gb (this will be my NAS when i buy my 5820K)

ive put Yosimmiitty on a USB like tonmac says and when i try to install this happens


Can it be a bios setting..
post what additional info is needed  

Love you guys 

Can you even run osx on a asus motherboard?  I though you had to use a gigabyte motherboard to make hackintosh builds work.

you can tho i think i need diff bios settings. Im just not so tek savvy so i dont know exactly what to do


I still would be interested in this. 10$ BTC anyone? hehe