Bit of help with a super-budget APU build

Here's what I got so far, all my parts are from I already got a case, hard drive and copy of Windows 7 and about £220-£230 to spend on parts.

CPU: AMD A10 5800K - £93.10

Motherboard: MSI FM2-A55M-E33 - £37.60

Memory: 8GB (2x4GB) Corsair Vengeance Blue 1866Mhz DDR3 - £39.79

Power Supply: Corsair CX430V2 - £32.92

Optical Drive: Samsung lotsofnumbers DVD drive - £11.96

Delivery: £10.98

Total price: £226.35

I think I may be skimping too much on the motherboard, but then again I wouldn't really need the features of higher end motherboards like USB 3.0 and SATA III. Just looking for a second opinion, what do you guys reckon?

Get faster ram, AMD APUs love them. You'll get a boost of gfx perf. with faster ram.

That PSU is massive overkill

If your not gonna oc, don't get an unlocked APU 

Other than that, everything looks good. 

1866 is the fastest I can get (natively) on that motherboard I think. Could you recommend another power supply? That seems to be the most reliable budget power supply out right now. Annnnd the unlocked APU and the locked one are like, £3 apart. There's no real point in not buying the slightly more powerful unlocked one.

This goes a bit over, but should be the best your going to get for your money.

The cooler says it works with AM2 and up Sockets, so I don't know why PPP says there is a conflict, problem on their end I assume.

EDIT: Forgot the ODD, but if you have a USB stick they are really no longer required.

I kinda want an ODD because I have quite a few games on disc that I wouldn't really like to pay for to get them digitally. I don't plan on overclocking, so I think an aftermarket cooler and that motherboard aren't really necessary. I can't really go over £220 either, money's REALLY tight and I've struggled to get together even that.

If you really want to skip the after market cooler you can, but if money is tight, then you'd want to OC since you'd get a much better bang for your buck. Also you wouldn't have to buy your games digitally, I'd assume that if you current have game disks you have something that can read them. If so, take the games and use Daemon Tools to rip an image of them, then emulate your ODD.

I can always buy an aftermarket cooler afterwards. I could rip my games, but once I cannibalise the hard drive from this machine, I won't be able to use it to rip new games (most games are far cheaper on disc, especially older ones). Plus the rips would probably take bloody forever, seeing as it's an IDE drive (thus why I can't just throw it in my new system).