For anyone who dosnt know, the Binding Of Isaac is a popular indie game by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl creators of the hugely popular and acclaimed indie game Super Meat Boy. The game was released in 2011, a HUGE expansion paxk was released soon after, The Wrath Of The Lamb, along with another dlc, altough only one was free. Both of these dlc's had about as much content as the original game had. Now we are getting another dlc from team meat, a whole remake infact. This remake is going to be named Rebirth. It is no longer in flash and will therefor use a whole new engine and new graphics. It is quite a high res game for a 2d flash game at the moment. Rebirth however will be in a 16bit low res style. In am not sure what i think of these graphics, in fact i dont really like them at the moment, to be honext. Just wondering what you guys think.
looking at the gallery on the bindingofissac wiki i don't think i would be able to handle such a graphical downgrade
I'm a big fan of team meats games, especially BoI, I'll have to look into this dlc.
I respect the direction they are trying to go but I'm not sure it will work in practice.