BF4 Team

I'm looking to start a group to team up in BF4 Beta and the actual game when it's released.  I use razor coms and if your interested please hit me up by posting a response.  Looking for actual teamwork, non-rambo, smart, on the fly kind of thinkers.  Currently at lvl 4 almost 5.  n00bs welcome, prefer 18 and up, and preferably eastern time users.  

I may be interested.  However, I'm not sure if I'm going to pick the game up on release.  I may wait a while and give 'em time to iron out the bugs.


By the way, you'd probably get more replies if you posted this in the forum.  Blogs are for news and rant type posts.

in the beta but good chance i wont get the game on release, i wouldn't mind teaming up for a while, though i'm generally the "rambo" style i'm sure i can hold myself back

Seems like I fit your criteria. (especially the n00b part) har har

I may wait a week or so after release before picking up the game.

I'll have the game when it drops, and interested in your offer. I'm and hour and a half ahead of eastern, but i'm usually up pretty late anyway. Send me a message!

I use Razer Comms, be getting BF4 on launch, Id love some teamwork.

Sure, I'll join up. I haven't played a whole lot of battlefield, but it seems like it would be pretty fun with some teamwork. 

sounds awesome, i would love to do it.

BF4 status: Pre-ordered, Origin/Steam ID: Redii2Klutch, Game skill LVL: Newb, Haven't used Razor Coms yet, Have TS, Vent & Mumble.

Dude, I'm totally down. Getting BF4 at launch. I've been playing battlefield for a while but just switched to PC, supper stoked. Origin: BROFromUtah

I've sent responses out and look forward to playing.  I'm in the beta now just add me: doctorsub111 

I added you we can play sometime

add me on origin same name. 

hey id be interested in playing with you! 


origins login is my user name! 

Login is my forum name.

I would, but I'm not sure if I'll get my GPU back on time when it comes back, apparently it hasn't even shipped out to HIS or wherever the hell they're "fixing" the damn thing.

Never used razor comms, but I do have BF4 pre ordered. Sign me up.

Add me "Rolling_RUDE-OH"

I would like to join you guys, but I can't until i get a video card with more vram, the vram on my 2 570's is killing me especially with my 2560 x 1440 monitor can't even play bf 4, i do plan on getting the 290x when ever that comes out

Odd with my 560ti I can play BF4 on low 1440p w/ medium post AA &textures.

If I play at 1080p I can do high lighting, and medium meshes and still get 40-60 FPS. Also consider the release will likely be more optimized.

Sounds like fun, I'll join. 16 now, so I hope that won't be a problem. Have it preordered, so I'll be ready on release day!