Someone (im looking at you Logan) should retest this: now that the full game is out
I'd like to see this also so +1 memir0
I would like to an independent test of this as well, rather than some from one of the larger memory manufacturers on the market.
AMDs upcoming Kaveri APUs will probably be an even better choice for budget BF4 gaming now when we see that the RAM can do an even bigger improvement than it can already do. Will be interesting to see that later.
Someone on did a test with an i5 with memory at 1333mhz and 1886mhz with the i5 in dual core mode and quad mode and he tested a few games, no BF4 though. If I remember right, Cry-engine games seemed to really love fast RAM with increases of around 10 to 15fps. I think Skyrim didn't care. Basically it helped in most games but not all.
Does cas latency matter.
The Swedish site tested this claim and found no difference between 1600 and 2400MHz memory.
Ref is unfortunately in Swedish:
lol indeed fast memory speed does not matter that much in gaming with a dedicated GPU.
Fast memory only matters that much, if u use a igpu or apu based system.
grtz Angel ☺
But the original artical from corsair used a 4770k with SLI 780
"55:19 Guest Topic: Battlefield 4 loves high speed memory/ high-performance RAM discussion"
This is the discussion with a rep from corsair on the LinusTechTips WAN show.