OK can some one please tell me how in bf3 these super jet pilots get like 112 kills with like 2 deaths and how they insta kill me in less than a second when I'm in a jet, are they hacking or exploiting the game some how. Its really frustrating when I'm on the ground and he just keeps killing me over and over again and it seems like he's hacking.
Thay sit in chair's with buckets under them playing the game 24/7.......or you are just not as good as thay are at flying....
This seems to be the default reaction of many gamers these days :P, they kill me all the time.....they must be hacking or exploiting :P
So 112 kills with 2 deaths seems legit to you and killing me in less than a second while I am too in a jet also seems legit.
man they are playing on their 70 inch home thearter projector with top of the line $5k pc connected to their 50mb/s fiber optic line controlling everything from their 20 axis flight stick so they see you before you even blink a second time.
too many variables.
i dont know how good you are, i dont know how good others are on the server or what they were doing and i dont know system specs or control inputs.
Simple fact is getting that score is highly doable, if you "only" do jets and your system is configured for jets and you have a mate or two as spotters then yeah 112 to 2 is within the realms of legit play.
I've had score's of 80-90 with sub 15 deaths when just using guns and avoiding vehicles, so im sure someone who plays jets only is capable of that score.
Everyone should play Red Orchestra 2. No jets, and fun for the whole family, comrades.
^ There's your answer, Assassinofsanity!
holy shit badass.
Instead of jets mortars!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh4sTobFT9E watch his jet tutorials, they are the best i have seen so far ;)
Its just a lot of practice, the games been out for like 3 years. The jets minigun actually does a lot of damage, and can take out another jet in a few seconds. The main difficulty is keeping all of the bullets on target.