BF3 cpu spikes

As you can see im having some CPU spikes and frame drops when that hapens(feels like the game stops for a short moment). Does anyone know a solution?

You can chek my pc cpec in my profile. 

P.S i had this problem even before ading my second card.



It may be because your cpu gets too hot (due to bad CPU heatsink or drying/dried thermal compound) and then your CPU slows down so it doesn't over heat. It *could* be that, or many other reasons. When did you first start noticing this happen?

I solved the problem by turning off V-Sync

Weird but, apperantly; true. Never would have guessed it was vsync.

Im going to write this down lol.

Ah dang im having the last two monts fps dips  into the 30 so i would like those cpu spikes back i dont mind just give me back my frames :( I tried everything whit no alas....