BF3/BF4 Comp Team, App Nao!

So this won't be set in stone until BF4, but I'm looking for players to start scrimming with (we will be playing CEVO). You don't have to be a hardcore BF player, just have a solid FPS foundation and good shot. We are gonna have to relearn game mechanics soon anyway. Must have a good mic. If you want to try out a few games with me, just post your Origin ID, PC specs, and Battlelog page (just to give me an idea of how good you are).

My stats:

Does it matter if my gaming experience is from the xbox, and not PC?

Not really, I'm open to pretty much all apps.

I'm definitely interested, but I'm just not sure if my schedule will allow me to be as active as I'd like. 

But here's for reference anyways. I didn't play on PC too much because I'd already ran the game dry on xbox.

Xbox stats. Haven't really played on PC.

Origin ID: Str8UpAmaZing27(Don't hate, old Xbox gamertag lol).

I am in desperate need of a team to play with. BF3 is brutally painful to play alone. 

My origin ID is: mrgrowlx



ill list my important pc specs: 7970, 3570k, 8gb

Well, I mostly played on the Xbox with a friend...

I haven't really played much on the PC, but I will be getting BF4 for the PC since I like the controls better (the increased resolution, FPS, and extra players are welcome additions too). My friend that I mentioned previously should be getting a PC soon as well, so I may be able to convince him to join.  We're both a bit above average, and we enjoy collaborating with our team.

The only problem though is college is starting up soon, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have on my hands when BF4 rolls around.

PC specs: i5 3570k, GTX 670, 8GB DDR3 RAM

We both use Turtle Beach headsets at the moment, so the mics perform well enough.  We're both considering upgrades in the near future though.

Well I just had my first practice with a CEVO team tonight, I'm pretty sure I made it because they invited me to their next practice. I am 99% sure I will still be putting together my own team to scrim with until BF4 comes out. 

Played both on pc and ps3 but i would like to play a bit more. Here is my stats and my rig is on my profile.

Edit: my origin is my forum name.

Orgin Id is slay english and my pc specs are in my profile.