Beyond the Void | Alpha Soon

Hey guys,

so if you've been a tek syndicate forums member for a bit more than a a year you might remember I posted about this game while back.

If you don't recognize it, the game's name is Beyond the Void. 

The initial alpha of the game was subject of an inbox as well.

In the early parts of the development there wasn't exactly much, as you might be able to tell by the thumbnail of the video. But after a year of procrastinating and rewriting everything around 50 times the game is closing in on an official alpha. 

With all of the development time considered and productivity made in the past weeks I'd say an official alpha will drop within the next week. More or less around next Tuesday. 

If you guys have anything you might want to see or if you just want to see how the development is coming along you can come hang out when I stream or comment below.
