Beware : W10 November update

Just want to share my experience after W10 november update (build 1511).

It uninstalled : HWMonitor, CPU-Z, CCCleaner and my USB drivers

As of today, I've not been able to get my front USB 3.0 ports play nice with my stuff. These ports now randomly disconnects.

I'm not really surprised about compatibility issues but the fact that it uninstalled software without my permission is very creepy and disturbing. I know that they have the "right" to do it, but still, it's a very weird feeling to hand over this level of control over to MS.

I'm very uncomfortable with this update and will definitely look for alternatives.

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Honestly the USB 3.0 could just be a result of the motherboard manufacturers not pushing an updated driver.
Have you checked yours?
Also I just installed HWMonitor and CPUz again. Same version as well. Not sure why it uninstalled.

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it uninstalled cpu-z months back for me too.

Re-installing CPU-Z works fine. It was just listed as incompatible software. Nothing big really. This was reported the day 1511 came out