BEWARE! Lenovo has the WORST customer service in the 17 years I am buying online

I have had the worst customer service from Lenovo and you can read it on my reddit post. It's like a company from the ice age where you have to call in and waste hours and days of your time to give you simple answers. I would suggest you don't buy directly from them because if you are in any kind of trouble you will be driven mad.

Read my post on reddit here:
I am writing this on a lenovo laptop, I have been using lenovo products for a long time but I am extremely disappointed.
Vote this post on reddit to see if they care about us or if this is the reason their stock is going down so fast.

Yeah, Lenovo service sucks outside of the US and Asia in my experience. I resorted to a local Lenovo business partner, as these are also allowed to do RMA repair and stuff on site.

For warranty, I will never ever ever ever pay for on site next business day again, it will just fucking not work in my country ... even when they claim it does.
Sadly the disputed value was to low for me to actually get it in front of a judge, as I tried to sue them over breaking contract.

A local Business Partner is your best bet when it comes do dealing with Lenovo, just don't even call their support.

This whole situation is going on in Canada. And the reps in contact with me were based in the US.

I am in shock and I really cannot believe this level of service is provided by a TECH company of this size in the 2st century.

If you have read the post, what happened is that they accepted my purchase, which in my opinion is a binding contract and based on that and the point that it was in progress I went ahead and bought abouth CAD$1000 of things to upgrade it.

I bought 64GB RAM, an M.2 SSD SM961, some trays specific for lenovo m.2, a WWAN module, charger etc.
Now they don't answer and don't care.

If you guys don't mind I would really appreciate commends and upvotes on reddit.

I have to say I had terrific customer support with Lenovo in Ireland a few years ago (I'd say 3).

Down to the wire on some work in college and they guy got on phone with me having a proper conversation. By that I mean he actually listened to me so we skipped a load of the tier 1 stuff of box ticking the obvious faults and troubleshooting.

Long story short he priority shipped out what I needed that day and I had it in the morning, no charge.

I will say though, it was the year after that they started loading their images in the factory with spyware purposefully, even after they had been caught opening up users to horrible security vulnerabilities.

What they did and how they responded just destroyed their name in my mind. Zero trust in the company though I love the hardware in the Txxx series laptops. I have the T410 from ages ago, Manjaro and WIn 7 pro depending on the HDD I have swapped in.

Man, that's really leaving you out in the cold. I hope you can get it resolved so you don't get hit with components and peripherals you can use/sell for at least cost.

Bad form on Lenovos part.

BTW I am a consultant and I was putting together a VERY big purchase of computers and we were between lenovo and another vendor. After explaining the situation with no second thought the client told me to take them out of the list.


No body wants to wade through bad company culture to get basic issues resolved.

I don't know if Lenovo was always this bad or if it really has been the last 5 years where they just took a nose dive...

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I haven't dealt with them directly so I don't know about that.

My professional opinion though is that customer service is for the most part, if a small amount of resources are invested the easiest department to fix. With two layers of employees and escalation depending on the size of the problem. You have 1 decision maker per 50 customer reps. The decision maker is rarely needed unless there is money to be paid out. All the rest is software and the ability WITH SIMPLE CHECK POINTS (sorry I am just annoyed) to route the request for support to the appropriate person.

It's easy and fairly cheap to implement. Some times the employees there resist this change so companies reassign them until the culture is changed before introducing them in again. After a period of time and with automated procedures there is very little those people can do to make things much worst.

this sounds like my experience with Audeze.

wwith lenovo thinkpads, I always buy off ebay and take the 40% discount then repair the thing my self.

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I wish I knew about their customer service beforehand. That's why I am here warning everyone. If you do a search online you will find that this is not the only incident.

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r/thinkpad is filled with them dropping the ball.

this is why I never buy new from them.

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ive heard that on the lenovo side. however my personal experience with IBM side has been amazing(thinkpad)

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That is what I ordered. A Thinkpad P50!! Not happy as you can see

They pissed me off a few months ago when I client of mine handed me a home lenovo laptop that he wanted me to fix. After waiting on the phone for almost an hour they quoted me either 70 or 80 dollars for the windows home based recovery dvds for a notebook that I'm guessing was under 500 bucks new.......

As a point of comparison dell used to give you the first set for free and hp charges under 20 bucks. HP you can order the disks for online(dell used to let you).

This isn't as big of a deal with windows 8 and 10 where any disk will work but man fuck lenovo.

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lenova started using a new raid like system for their laptops that will not only prevent you from installing linux, but will also only work on certain drives so you have to buy from them.
however lenova isnt the only tech company with shit service. almost all of them have shit service now.

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This definitely seems to be a trend with lenovo. I've heard nothing but horror stories on r/thinkpad when it comes to direct purchases. I've also been hearing terrible things about modern thinkpad build quality. Gonna stick with my X220 for the foreseeable future.

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In order to get someone to talk to me about the problem with my order I had to go to social media. That's what they are afraid of. As soon as I went on reddit in 10 minutes they asked for the order number to figure it out and let me know. 3 minutes after I had the answer to what the problem was.
Apparently my business email and domain are "risky" and instead of not allowing me to order in the first place they had to make me wait until all other deals online were gone.

When a company responds faster on social media than their own customer support lines you know there is something wrong. The problem could have been solved by someone at the day of cancellation of my order and first communication with them to take 1 minute to check and let me know.

Their stock went from 13 to 5 since last year. That's the definition of "going down fast"

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OMG, I assume you wont tell.. but what on earth is a "risky" domain and e-mail? I fkn host my shit myself and never got turned down by anyone so far (have not ordered by Lenovo directly ever) but yeah their customer service frontline is amazing worse.. they are the worst realy.

I mean I have BOUGHT next businessday on site repair - and they insisted for me to send the 2000€ peach to Romania (nothing against Romanian people, but no sure not - the country has a reputation of beeing a black hole for expensive good) - and when I told them they said they can not find it in the system, even the screenshots of their own fkn website and the contractual paper (a.k.a. bill) did nothing.

The businessparnter I, myself personally on own cost, had to bring it to than had it fixed in 1 day after the systemboard arrived (4 days in total as Lenovo could not deliver)

I use email with my domain to avoid being labeled as a scammer, I NEVER had a problem with it. The only thing is that at the moment the website is under construction. But WHY did it take them 7 days to figure it out and not instantly?!

So at the moment we have a situation of in my opinion having a binding contract, because they accepted my order even though it was not paid before it was cancelled by them. Based on them accepting that order and NO information I gave them from the beginning has changed I purchased everything to take it to maximum spec. CAD$1000!!

I will give the guy on reddit a chance to fix the situation because people there say he makes things right. We will see I guess, put I am still at risk of losing my money here.

So publicly shaming them it is :) It seems to work because they paid attention after I started doing it.

It's a registered domain of a legally registered Limited Liability company in Europe since 2013. A company that never took a loan and does not even have a credit card.