Hi, I'm trying to prove to my school's managment that we don't need Windows with expensive programs on all 50 PCs and that they should be better off using that money elsewere.
So I decided to build a Linux machine that runs 100% free and open-source software that can be used for everything we need.
I've already decided on a lot of the software, but the only problem is that everyone is used to the Windows desktop, so I'm looking for a good debian-based desktop/distro that's similar to Windows as possible.
It doesn't have to be exactly like Windows, but something a long time Windows user would easily understand.
Zorin OS, dont know about it being 100% free open source though
It's not debian based so most apps we need won't run on it. It does look really cool however, so I have to try it myself. Thanks!
I havent tried this OS myself but acording to:
Zorin OS is based on Debian/Ubunto.
It's based off Ubuntu which in turn is based off Debian. Also what packages do you need? Alot of the most common packages are on other distributions too. If not it's probably on the AUR.
LXDE is similar to the standard windows layout (and is quite light weight). Lubuntu and Linux Mint LXDE are two popular Debian/Ubuntu based distros that use it. Cinnamon is also similar to windows in terms of layout (though it's a bit more resource intensive). Linux Mint (Cinnamon edition) is probably the most popular Debian based distro that uses it.
End of the day though, most DEs can be set up to be similar to the windows layout. But those two probably come the closest in their stock forms.