Just got a Win8 Laptop (been using OSx till now) and was wondering what the best way to sync Android phone with Win8 is?
Just got a Win8 Laptop (been using OSx till now) and was wondering what the best way to sync Android phone with Win8 is?
get windows 7
Syncing in what way?????
in every way!!!!!
syncs from any system, because it's basically a linux-server in your android over your local area network, and the access is via a html-interface, so platform independant on the client side (the PC).
It's a free app in the Playstore, and it seriously rocks!
Thanks, very cool app!
I there a way to set it up so it a "trusted" connection, so I don't have to enter the code or scan the bokodes every time?
I would advise to enter the code every time, it's just a security measure, because it guarantees that you connection is not being hijacked by someone on your LAN, and it's such a small burden that it's vertually insignificant, because it's still a lot faster than any kind of syncronisation program like Windows Mobile or the likes.
You can however click to "trust" the computer you log in from with the code, and then it will remain connected. I just use the widget, which has a sliding button, and when I want to use Airdroid, I slide the button and the login parameters are right there in the widget, so it's truly one-click connectivity (plus entering the IP and code on the client PC).
It seems to have one glaring omission.......transferring folders!? (at least I cant do it on firefox)