I'm a member of codecademy, programmr(although I haven't wworked it out yet) and KhanAcademy and I have been trying to teach myself coding (I'm doing a python course at the moment). Iwas wondering, are there any other services that, for instance, teach C++ or objective C in the way codecademy does,anywhere that - err...- you get the idea.
Open to any suggestions.
... Oh, just in case, it must be either a website or digital in some other form, and hopefully free, too.
pluralsight has some pretty badass beginner series, it's $45 a month. If you have some down time, buy a month and do 200hrs of learning. If nothing else it puts online code learning in the best possible context so you can evaluate other learning options if online does not work for you.
My personal opinion is as a programmer you MUST be able to learn the most from "ONLINE" sources but what keeps you excited and challenged is the human or even email/forum conversation about a topic.
But if you can't consider yourself a programmer after 3 months of nothing but pluralsight intro courses you do not have the mind of a programmer. Then go to Lynda, you have obviously mistakenly identified yourself as a computer programmer for a content generator or a 3D animator or a CAD designer or something other than a programmer. Best 135 dollars a person could ever spend to get that kind of absolute answer.