Best way to learn C#?

About to jump in and learn another programming language. I've learnt Java and C++ formally but now on my own time I want to learn C# from the ground up. Got a video series from TheNewBoston lined up but nowdays I find him really slow paced. Can somebody recommend a way for me to learn C#? I love learning by video tutorials but am open to other methods too.

Books are a thing~ Seriously though, I have a hard time programming because I don't really have anything I want/need to make. Find a reason to write code I guess.

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I've got a project or two in mind but I'm out of practise so I figure I'll brush up with a new language then get to making Linux calculator app,

I usually just kind of wing shit and then learn along the way. Once you have a basic understanding it's not too hard.

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Haha, I know what you mean. Tempting...

Might just go through something like this

Interesting... I'm too lazy though. I would just start building what I wanted haphazardly.

Can't do that with C# natively. Thats Microsoft's baby.

Oh really? What about Mono Develop? Like C# + Qt + Mono

Havent looked into that tbh

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Ohh but mono and qt makes sense. I don't see the point too much to use C# for that. You'd be better off with C++ IMO. C# was meant to attract java devs; which is why they're practically the same thing.

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Just code, try to automate your computer life (it's best to leave this to scripting though). Set up a Raspberry Pi server, try to make your own site in ASP.NET C# or something, you don't have to make something that everyone else will use, that's not gonna happen immediately. Good luck :)

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Pluralsight has a ton of good video-based courses for all levels. There's also an excellent Pet Store tutorial that will get you caught up in ASP.NET MVC (i.e. the modern web framework for .NET).

Isn't there now .Net core and Visual Studio Code with C# extensions available for Linux development now? Or does that still require Mono etc.?

VS Code will currently let you edit and run anything besides the actual .Net framework. But, I am hopeful. .Net Core is a big and much needed reworking of the guts, but still not quite OS agnostic. But, I am hopeful... thing is most of these changes are meant to prevent other OS agnostic and lighter weight or open source frameworks from leaving Microsoft in the dust, so there's a chance they will unhinge .Net from Windows, but not sure what that would mean for Windows. At that point the only people who would need Windows are Office users in Enterprise settings, unless big games stay stuck on Windows, so not sure that would be good for MS.

If you already code, picking up C# should be pretty easy. If you get a job in .Net however, you might deal with 16 years of framework changes in existing apps.

i think best way to learn is having existing framework where you can test/apply your changes. Overtime you will be able to change anything at all whatever is that you wish for.