Best Way to Build Your Own Linux Distro?

Alright so I've tried multiple avenues to make my own linux distro (opensuse,  Debian live build, Kali from scratch, and LFS) all to my dismay. Opensuse seemed sloppy and wouldn't even load the default gui, Debian Live Build replaces my grub configuration and gives me this weird splash loading screen that is extremely broken, Kali from scratch fails on some part even though I was running Kali, and LFS would always give me dependency errors left and right with makefile errors as well. If anyone on here has made their own distro some explanation on how you accomplished it would be great!

You can build Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware from the ground up.

But can I make it into an iso? Will remastersys/black labs work?

Gentoo and Arch have tooLs for saving your configs into an image, 

Thanks! I haven't tried either one yet although I have read through some document pages on each. I'll try it when I get home or now at school, but thanks a ton!

Also, which would you recommend?  I was looking at DasGregor's gentoo builds/reviews and it looks good. Anything good/better on Arch?

google suse studio

Reread the post

I don't don't want to start a flame war :p

i prefer Gentoo since it is a little more custom and highly portable.

Yes, google it. do some research. Ive made a basic one from it, and so have a lot of other people. It's most likely one or two options that you are getting wrong. 

From what I've experienced i'd rather not go through it again, plus the icky "MADE IN OPEN SUSE" mark on the boot/install is rather disgusting.

Thanks. Will try it out later.