Best VPN? for mainly watching stuff

Hey People!!!

So im looking into VPN software mainly so i can watch Hulu seeing as they dont allow UK residents to watch their services, im looking into who is the best... Ideas people?

Looking for good security on top of speed, may use it when i go on holiday also next week :)


Thanks in advance!

Just run Tor if you're going to be using Hulu.

If your just gonna be using the VPN for Hulu And other normal things, And nothing "Shadey"  Just use SpotFlux, Its free and has US based servers. Make sure to go into the setting and select "Vpn-Only Mode" It runs on " VPN plus filters" by defualt.  - Their website.    - Recent interview with them explaining their privacy policy in more detail.


No nothing shady i just want to watch stuff like family guy and simpsons seeing as they are not really aired over here without cable channels but thanks ill look into it :)

ultrasurf works fine for watching videos/movies ect in the US (and its free)