Best use for an old 2.5" HDD?

Hi, I might have a noob question, I've looked around a bit, but I'll ask if anyone has the same situation with a good system for this:

I am currently working on a book (translating it) and it's really quite an expensive venture. If I lose my files, I'm basically fragged and I could lose a lot of money and work hours.

Coincidentally, I've also got a 512GB HDD from my old laptop (which I replaced with an SSD) and no good way of using it. I hooked it up in a tray as a USB HDD, but I don't use it that often. I'd love to put it inside my PC, but I wouldn't use it that much for games and files that often (it's quite slow) and it would possibly make my system louder. I'm thinking of doing a good thing and using it for backups, but I know I'll remember to backup at the moment when my drive dies.

My question: Is there a program that I can set to check for changes in certain folders every hour or so when the PC is on and clone them to the backup so that if poop strikes the radiator, I can just pull out the 2.5" HDD and get the important stuff out to my laptop and backup five more times. Is there any such system that works like a RAID1 but with individual folders only?

Thanks, guys, you're always great, everyone knows something useful and for me this is the Well of Knowledge, basically.

I use Syncback free.

You schedule a time to run a backup, select the folders you want to back up, select the drive where you want to copy the files and that's it. The program looks for any changes made to the files, and only copies the files that are modified from the files already in the backup drive.

That's wonderful. I'll give that a shot. Thanks!

Also, will an HDD stop buzzing around when I'm not using it? I'd really only write to it on the scheduled backups and no other use?

I called it, Well of Knowledge.

In my experience, some drives do stop spinning when you don't access them for a while, but I think that depends on the drive. I'm not sure if you can set them to energy saving mode through windows or another program.

OK, so I went ahead and realized what a great case I have. My Alea M50 has SD card readers which are plenty for my current needs (just a couple files). After I get paid, I'll probably move to a more spatious case without SD card support, e.g. the Define R4 or something quiet oriented, so I'll move the drive in when the time comes.

Thanks again, it's really a lovely thing to know and have. Cheers!

You'd want a hard drive that isn't already dying, to put your data onto

Usually a setting in windows, it's 20 minutes by default to turn off drives not in use.

The hard drive is about 2 years old, it's going strong, I replaced it for speeding up my laptop (I can boot, work and hibernate between metro stations, it's fast). But as I said, I'll be using a microSD card for the time being. It's large enough and far enough from the rest of the computer that it may not burn down if S H's the F.

As you said you can use it to backup stuff to it from time to time. You could even make it a NAS or NFS to backup and pull stuff from it more easly and without the need to plug it into your notebook every time. If your connection is fast enough you can partition it and use a part of it as a cloud storage that might always be handy.

That might be nice. I'll try it ASAP, but my router is really really out of reach. (not stealing WiFi, just that the router is hanging 2 meters in the air on a wall)

they make nice drink coasters.

You may be kidding, but I got that covered

Wasn't joking and nice one :p