Im currently running:
i5 4690k (Ocd to 4.5Ghz)
16 Gig RAM 1600MHz
Asus GTX 760
500 Gb Samsung EVO for Linux
128 Gb Kingston SSD for Windows 10
2 TB Storage HDD Drive
2 500 Gb Storage HDD Drives
I want to upgrade my GPU because its struggling with games like the Witcher 3 and I AM SO HYPED FOR MIRRORS EDGE CATALYST AND WANT TO PLAY IT WITH 100% eye candy.
I only have 1080p monitors so 1080p and I want to be able to play highest settings and 60 fps (no higher cause my monitors dont have higher refresh rates anyway)
I was thinking the 980Ti, the 970 and the R9 390X (Cant get a Fury X because Im outa radiator space in my case)
Is the 980Ti over kill? Is the 970 to low? HELP <3
I would say GTX 980, R9 390(X) or R9 Fury.
As I am a happy Fury owner because I had no room to fit any radiator with DX12 in mind, I would say Fury. The Sapphire-Version is long but quiet and pretty.
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Im so confused sometimes by GPU pricing
Fury looks very good for me, how are the drivers these days? I heard they havent been all too good.
From my experience the drivers are fine. I like Crimson a lot more than I did using nvidia drivers.
I'd personally get a G-sync or Freesync display. That paired with a 970 (or AMD equivalent for Freesync, can't remember what sits in that price bracket atm) should do great.
The thing is, i need to run 3 monitors for my job and university... I guess I could run 2 of my current crappty ones on the old GPU and the Gsync/freesync one on the 970?
Or just all of them off the 970, G-sync works with borderless windowed mode too and a typical 970 has atleast 3 ports. Just make sure the G-sync display is connected via displayport. Not sure how that applies to Freesync.
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How this monitor look? (I havent looked into buying monitors for a LONG time)
BTW my total budget for this is about 500 pounds maximum. (Thats monitor and gpu) I could push to 600 if I need to.
That most likely has a TN panel but other than that Flickerless 144hz with G-sync sounds great. Go find some reviews on it, I've never looked at that particular model.
You also might have a hard time finding a 970 for 200£ which is what you have remaining in your budget, but you could (and probably should) buy a used one.
You might find a cheaper route going with AMD and freesync, but I'm not very familiar with AMD products atm.
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Go AMD. Eyefinity is so much better than nVidia Surround. It isn't even funny. Multi monitor on AMD is much better.
I'm willing to bet pretty much anything that he does need 3 monitors in eyefinity or nvidia surround for work/uni. You use multiple screens to get separate windows, not one stretched one. As for gaming purposes a 980TI is kind of a stretch if you're after 1080p eyefinity or nvidia surround at steady 60FPS. Probably kinda possible with a 980Ti SLI setup.
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Yeah no Im using them as 3 seperate monitors, I did try gaming in surround but... It wasnt really worth it.
So the Fury has 3x Display Port and 1x HDMI. I can say it works great for 2 1080p screens. Drivers are good, no problems with Crimson.
DisplayPort can be anything. Adapters are not that expensive.
im gonna go for the fury because its bang in my price range, kicks ass and I do not have enough for a monitor and GPU (might get a freesync monitor down the line)
EDIT: I just ordered the card. :D It will come on Wednesday.