Best socket lga 1155 cpu for gaming?

Whats the best socket lag 1155 cpu for gaming? I have an as rock b75m r2.0 motherboard (which is lga 1155) and I'm not even anywhere close to upgrading my pc (maybe in 2 years) but at the moment, what is the best socket lag 1155 cpu for gaming purposes?

3570 or 2500K are 2 solid CPU's

why not 3570k?

I ment the 3570K, I was too lazy to put the K in

oh haha 

Why are you recommending k sku processors it's not like he's going to be overclocking on that chipset. I would recommend the 3570 or 2500 unless you want hyperthreading so the 3770 2600 or 2700 or you could go into the Xeon range if your board supports it so something like an e3 1230 v2