Hello guys... I want you guys to make a best possible AMD only gaming rig (CPU & GPU), if possible to play Crysis 3 at 1080p60fps with details ranging from Medium or even Maxed out without recording or if there is a possibility to record it at this settings... I am curious.
If possible dont go over 2000$ alot... I am just curious.
Nice build, cant you put more RAM? Crysis 3 is surelly a RAM hungry game. 16 will be needed to play at High or Maxed Out Probavly, 2133mhz anyone? Yes or no?
Its almost 730 dollars below maximum... Yea... I would really to know how it would play Crysis 3 Open Beta MP... *_*
All nice builds, but I dont see a real monster... How much it would cost an Intel and Nvidia build to play Crysis 3 on 1080p60fpsMaxedOut(?) compared to AMD build, if its possible to really do it on AMD build... Just wondering since AMD does not focus on high end stuff and that... Heh.
And I think you're a little ignorant. In a lot of cases, AMD actually is better than Intel when it comes to gaming, and they're also cheaper. So you should really look in to both options. Also, there's nothing wrong with mixing Intel and AMD or AMD and Nvidia. They play nice.
I am not an expert just suprised you guys did alot of awsome builds, just fearing that AMD cant compete with Intel builds when it comes to Crysis 3...Brennanriddell... This is just an overkill...
Almost a future proof personal gaming computer... hahahaha xD Nice... Just wondering.
Both of your over-budget builds aren't helping this poor guy. I honestly didn't think 2k budget was that difficult.
To also note, you really don't need 2k to achieve your goal of 1080p 60fps, so take a breather if you're freaking out if you think it takes 4k from those misleading builds.
Future proofing is hard to tell. Amd's upcoming steamroller cpu's might (not) be on the am3+ socket, who knows.
You don't seem like a fps/benchmark whore in anyway, so the hardware now will last you for a long time.
But, I would rather go with LGA 2011/X79. Here you go, an equal or more powerful build with definite upgradability and "future proofing": http://pcpartpicker.com/p/D3Fl
You are not helping me really, I got no cash to buy it. Just wondering how it would compete... Since I am sick of uneducated gamers and gamer "girls" that buy Intel for something that they wont use, eg science or something. Do you agree? Anyway I would never buy Nvidia with Physix or CUDA since I want true results without any aditional features that are not related to that and that things.