Best place to start

Sorry if this has been asked a million times before, but i am a sophomore biomedical engineering major (biomechanics), and although this program is laid out extremely well at my university (it's a new field almost everywhere does it differently)... What i don't get through my program is much programming experience (other than basic CAD) that many other engineering majors get, due to time constraints of the interdisciplinary nature of bioengineering in general. But as i currently understand it if i ever want to do any projects on my own i'm going to need a decently comprehensive knowledge of programming.

Now that long paragraphs out of the way, are there any suggestions for the best place to start on my self-teaching path of programming?

What sort of languages are used in your field?

  • Web stuff?...........................(javascript, php)
  • Database stuff?....................(sql)
  • Scripting?.............................(java, python, perl)
  • Embedded?..........................(C, C++)
  • Generic software suites?......(C++, .net languages)

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant more of where to start learning it, as in places or books, not what to learn. :)


Well, I can't tell you where you learn the best. Everybody learns differently.

Personally, I find quick and to-the-point online tuts helpful.
Here's one for C++

Scratch will teach you the baby steps. It has a built-in tutorial, it's free, and it quickly becomes more and more useful as I learn it. You avoid educational hurdles like spelling errors that make your entire program useless or not having the slightest clue where to start.

I'm not going to say it's the "best" way to learn because I didn't learn that way first. But it does expand my understanding of many things relatively quickly and I can easily reproduce a similar program from memory. Scratch's limitations become apparent quickly if you experiment enough but it's still awesome.

Possibly with the bible if you're a bit crazy

or do Learn Python the Hardway, just google it, it's free online

Php? Isn't it dead at this point? I'm ignorant, gimme some knowledge friend.