Best pc speaker 2.1 recommendation?

need new speakers to replace old walmart logitechs.I watch alot of streaming online and very light gaming.what would be the best choice?budget at $250 max

Why not go with a pair of headphones? You can get much better sound at that price with headhpones than you would with speakers.

Corsair SP 2500

im not a headphones kind of guy.just like to have good ols fashioned desktop speakers

Here are some options. If you think that you really need a subwoofer (I would suggest waiting until after you have the speakers to see if you think they need it) then you can get a separate sub to add in.


You might also want to consider gettign a sound card or a dedicated dac.


EDIT: These are on sale. You might want to consider them if you want a flatter sound (more accurate).