Best Nintendo 64 Games or Hidden Gems?

My Top:

  • F-Zero X (A racer with Metal in it? winner)
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day (A rude rodent gets ditzy)
  • Super Smash Bros. (The classic fighting-themed party game)
  • Pokemon Stadium (3D pokemon at its first appearance)

Perfect Dark. 'Nuff said.


The A.I in this game alone is a testament to some A.I today. Can't believe I forgot this gem.

Conkers was so awesome, I remember getting it on accident from blockbuster........ and never returning it.

Damn it feels good to be a gangstah!

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@nfct You can still return it, Just throw it into the remains of your local blockbuster


Obligatory mention of Conker's Bad Fur Day

  • Chameleon Twist 1 & 2 (parents thought it was a Yoshi game. It wasn't. Regardless, it didn't disappoint)
  • Diddy Kong Racing (Love Mario Kart, but this was just better.)
  • Mario Party 1-3 (Skateboard Scamper, Slot car derby, cheep cheep chase, Luigi cpu with skeleton key, and feel good worlds.)

I see no Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. (the best LoZ game ever made. Yeah I said it, come-at-me-bro)

I am disappointed in all of you :P

Me and friends had hours of fun playing Beetle Adventure Racing. Not to mention the joy that was Star Fox 64, the Tony Hawk games, etc.

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I dont even mention it because if people don't know how great it is I have no faith in them. But you're right OoT and MM were both amazing Zelda titles and for the N64 ... You should play them both!

I hated MM. Mainly because of the whole "not being adult link until the end of the game" thing.

And yes I know that's heresy. But I just loved OoT the most. Still one of my top 3 favorite games of all time.

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You could make a valid argument that OoT IS the greatest game of all time, I'd hear what someone had to say lol.

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Speaking of Legend of Zelda, my name is Link. I win the name game!
My favorite zelda is Twilight Princess. Please dont crucify me on a large triforce.

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Battletanx: Global Assault
Loved this game. It was capture the flag with Tanks.

What, not mention of NFL Blitz or Goldeneye? For shame internet. For shame.

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Jet Force Gemini; fun story and great multiplayer for its time.
Perfect Dark; music, story, ai, it was awesome.
Star Wars Pod Racer; so difficult but satisfying to beat.
Zelda; it's Zelda.
Goldeneye; I used to think this game looked like real life because 3d was such a new thing to me.

I wish they'd make an F-Zero U. I miss that franchise.

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I used to play F-Zero all the time on my cousin's Super Nintendo (I had a Genesis that generation), and always had a super good time. I never did get F-Zero X or whatever it was called for the N64 though. Not sure why.

I'm building the large tri-force right now lol

Oh man, the memories.

  • Paper Mario; My favourite N64 game
  • Banjo Kazooie; or everything by Rare for that matter.
  • Lylat Wars
  • Super Mario 64; How has that not been mentioned
  • Glover; I always enjoyed it
  • Gex
  • Mario Tennis

There is much more too!


Nah. I like TP. It was pretty much oot all over again, except you can turn into a wolf. The spinning top item drove me insane, though. It was completely useless.

Super Mario 64 was one of those games that changed your entire life when you played it lol. Mario was never quite the same again after that.