I've been looking for a solid micro ATX board for a system i'm going to be building. I plan on using AMD's 8350 processor. I have an older cheap coolermaster case laying around. It fits a micro ATX board fine and can fit a full ATX board but it's really tight. If i could stay with a micro ATX board that would be good. All i can seem to find in m-ATX is the 760g north bridge. Is this any decent? How much of a performance drop would i see from a 990 FX chipset if any? Also could someone recommend a good m-atx board if the performance is fairly similar on the 760g chipset?
There are no suitable micro motherboards for a 8 core cpu (anless you like box fires)
Get a full atx board. You might want to read up on the board types some more. Wiki the chipsets.