Best Mic and Headphones

i need a really good pair of headphones i play cs a lot so i would be able to hear better i was thinking about the audio technia ath m50s and maybe a blue yeti but i wanted a bunch of people probably smarter than me to tell me there insight

Budget would be like 250 max  

I'd look into open-back designs - they typically have a better sound stage. I have the HD 558 from Sennheiser, and the performance is phenomenal, the build quality is questionable. I hear those same issues are starting to creep up on AT's products as well. 

I don't have any personal experience with these, but the DT-990's are pretty highly recommended almost universally for anyone looking into high quality headphones, especially if they're priced below $200 (~$160 last I checked).

As for the mic, I can't really help you there as I know next to nothing, but the Blue Snowball seems pretty popular, and sounds pretty good. It's also a fair bit cheaper. I was subscribed to two youtubers who used Snowballs, and both channels sounded pretty amazing for their commentary.

Though I think for gaming, a clip-on mic may be a better bet, as it won't be in the way. And for the money, it's *really* hard to beat this:

Besides, you have to keep your needs in perspective. You don't need a studio mic to talk to friends on CS, especially considering the sound will likely be compressed to oblivion to avoid ping spikes. Personally, the choice between $5 - $15 mic and a $60+ mic is a simple one to me. Unless you're going to be recording some streaming as well as sharing them, I see no reason to a high-quality mic. I'm more or less content with my ATR-4650, but the clipping mechanism doesn't allow a lot of flexibility. It's either on the neck of my shirt or nowhere.

I'm personally using DT 880 Pros [awesome headphones] and a BlueMic Snowball.

The Yeti is really expensive ]atleast here] and the snowball is awesome and more than capable of being used for skype and the likes. I've had to comment videos with it and got nothing but compliments for the recording quality.

The hedphones are somewhat of a personal choice. I can firmly recommend the 250Ohm DT 880 pros as it's the most comfy and awesome headset I've had yet, [Using the Custom one Pro for on the go, it's very nice aswell but for home use too isolated I guess ^^]