Best method for MT.GOX deposit?

Yo, I'm looking to invest a small amount of money ($100) or so into a bitcoin or two.


I've noticed that if I use bank transfer I need to pay about $30 in fees. What method do you guys use? Should I try purchase a MtGox redeemable card?


I've head good things about Dwolla! But can't personally speak on them at the moment.

Most of the sites like OkPay require you to have money in there. There are no direct transfers straight from your card. After a lot of trying, I used to buy half a bitcoin for a transfer directly from my card. After that, I just used my MtGox address to transfer the bitcoin from my Bitbargain account to my MtGox. However you have to wait for 6 blocks until your coin is transferred to MtGox, this is roughly an hour, and then you should be fine.

Dwolla, but depositing is slow to Dwolla.

BitInstant, but they started to annoy me and I don't like having to go to money order places.

Bitcopia is nice and the guy that runs it, Steven Worley is a really nice guy. The rates a bit high at times, but he's always reliable and I've never had a deposit take more than 40 minutes for him to process. You just go by any Wells Fargo and deposit whatever amount you calculated/agreed upon on his site.

Dwolla if you don't mind waiting for money to get to Dwolla(Dwolla to Mt. Gox is usually quick, though)
BitInstant if you don't mind dealing with money orders.
Bitcopia if you want it as quickly as possible, albeit a bit more expensive at times and only M-F.